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Why You Shank Shots in Golf, How to Stop

frustrated golfer laying down on putting green

In the realm of golf, few experiences compare to the unexpected jolt of a “shank.” A shank is a mishit where the ball strikes the hosel of the club – that part where the clubhead connects to the shaft – instead of the clubface. 

This results in the ball shooting off to the right (for a right-handed golfer) or the left (for a left-handed golfer), often at a severe angle, veering wildly off the intended path. It’s a mistake that can happen to beginners and seasoned players alike, and its suddenness can be both baffling and demoralizing. The sheer unpredictability and erratic nature of a shank can bring immense frustration to golfers, turning an otherwise enjoyable round into a quest to solve the mystery of its cause.

Never Shank a Shot Again 

Have you ever shanked your shots right when you want to bring the birdie home? You’re not alone. Golf is a difficult sport requiring extensive practice and coaching to master. Gears touts the most powerful, precise, golf swing motion capture system in the world and our users are frequently awestruck by the clarity and practicality of our analytics. With our system you can not only compare your motions with a pro’s, but you can enjoy a glorious 3D rendering of every angle and speed of your body movement so you know exactly how to make clean contact every swing.

The Anatomy of a Shank

To truly understand the shank, one must dive deep into its anatomy. When we talk about the anatomy of a shot in golf, we’re referring to the sequence of movements, positions, and angles that culminate in the ball’s contact with the club. Let’s break it down:

  • The Moment of Impact: At the heart of a shank is the moment the ball meets the hosel of the club. Instead of a clean strike with the clubface, the ball collides with the curved, round part of the hosel, causing it to rocket off in an unintended direction.
  • The Club Path: For a shank to occur, the club’s path typically deviates during the swing, either coming too far from the inside or the outside. This alteration pushes the hosel closer to the ball than the clubface.
  • Body Position: The position of the golfer’s body, especially during the downswing, can contribute to a shank. If a player stands up or “comes out of their posture” during the swing, it can bring the hosel into the ball’s path.
  • Distinction from Other Shots: A shank is unique in its abruptness and direction. While other poor shots, like slices or hooks, also stem from mis-hits, they usually result from the ball contacting the clubface improperly, not the hosel. Furthermore, slices and hooks produce curved ball flights, while shanks result in a more direct and severe redirection of the ball.

Common Causes of the Shank

golfer with white hat swinging club

Shanking a golf shot can be a disheartening experience, especially when it appears out of nowhere. While the sudden nature of a shank can make it feel inexplicable, there are often specific, identifiable causes behind this dreaded mis-hit. Let’s delve into some of the most common reasons:

Improper Setup

  • Stance Too Close to the Ball: Being too close can restrict your swing motion and push the hosel into the ball.
  • Misalignment of Feet, Hips, or Shoulders: Incorrect alignment can direct the club’s path away from the intended target line, increasing the chance of a shank.

Swing Path Issues

  • Outside-to-Inside or Inside-to-Outside Swing Paths: Either of these flawed paths can lead the hosel to make contact with the ball rather than the clubface.

Weight Shift Problems

  • Failing to Transfer Weight Properly During the Swing: Proper weight transfer is crucial for balance and control. Not shifting your weight can lead to an unstable swing and increase the chances of a shank.

Clubface Mismanagement

  • Opening or Closing the Clubface During the Swing: If the clubface isn’t square at impact, it’s easy for the ball to hit the hosel, especially if the face opens too much.

Loss of Posture

  • Standing Up or Losing Spine Angle During the Swing: Changing your posture during the swing can alter the club’s path and make it more likely for the hosel to collide with the ball.

Grip and Hand Positioning

  • Weak Grip: A grip that’s too weak can cause the clubface to open during the swing, leading to a shank.
  • Letting the Club Roll in the Hand: If the club moves or rolls in your grip during the swing, it can alter the position of the hosel relative to the ball.

Physical Factors Outside of Technique

tiger woods golf backswing

While technique is undoubtedly a major factor in the game of golf, there are physical factors outside of one’s swing or stance that can play a significant role in determining the quality of a shot. Understanding these can be just as crucial in preventing shanks and improving one’s overall game.

Importance of Using Properly Fitted Clubs

  • Club Length: Clubs that are too long or too short can alter your posture and swing mechanics, making it more difficult to strike the ball correctly.
  • Lie Angle: The incorrect lie angle can cause the toe or heel of the club to be elevated at impact, increasing the risk of a shank.
  • Shaft Flex: Using a shaft that’s too stiff or too flexible for your swing speed can impact the clubface’s position at impact.
  • Grip Size: A grip that’s too thick or thin can affect hand positioning and influence the club’s path during the swing.

Influence of Physical Limitations or Injuries

  • Muscle Imbalances: Overdeveloped or weak muscles in certain areas can hinder the ability to maintain proper posture or perform an efficient swing.
  • Flexibility Issues: Limited flexibility, especially in the hips or shoulders, can restrict your swing motion and result in compensations that lead to mis-hits.
  • Chronic or Acute Injuries: Injuries, whether they’re related to golf or not, can significantly impact your swing. For instance, a back injury might prevent a golfer from fully rotating during the swing, while a wrist injury could influence clubface control.

The Mental Aspect: Overthinking the Shank

golf ball about to roll in hole

The mental component of golf, often referred to as the “inner game,” is as critical as the physical technique. When it comes to the dreaded shank, the psychological elements can sometimes exacerbate the problem, creating a cycle that’s difficult to break.

Fear of the Shank

  • Self-fulfilling Prophecy: The more a golfer fears hitting a shank, the more they might unknowingly make adjustments to their setup or swing to avoid it. Ironically, these adjustments, born out of fear, can sometimes lead directly to the error they’re trying to prevent.
  • Distraction from Process: A preoccupation with avoiding the shank can divert a golfer’s focus from essential aspects of their swing mechanics. Instead of focusing on the ball and the intended shot, the mind is consumed with what they don’t want to happen.

Psychological Impact of Repeated Shanks

  • Loss of Confidence: A series of shanks, especially during a single round, can severely dent a golfer’s confidence. This can lead to second-guessing, hesitance, and inconsistency in subsequent shots, even in aspects of the game unrelated to the shank.
  • Avoidance Behavior: Some golfers, after experiencing multiple shanks, might begin to avoid certain shots or clubs where they feel the risk of shanking is higher. For instance, a player who repeatedly shanks with their pitching wedge might start using a 9-iron, even when it’s not the ideal club for the situation.
  • Increased Tension: Fear of the shank can lead to physical tension in the grip, arms, and body. Tension is a common enemy of a smooth, fluid swing, and can in itself be a cause of mishits.

Tips and Drills to Prevent and Correct Shanks

golf alignment rods

Shanking the ball is undoubtedly one of the most disheartening experiences on the golf course. However, with the right approach and dedicated practice, it’s a flaw that can be corrected. Below are some drills and tips tailored to address the common causes of shanks:

Setup and Alignment Checks

  • Mirror Check: Place a full-length mirror or reflective surface perpendicular to your stance. By looking at your reflection as you address the ball, you can verify your distance from the ball and ensure you’re not standing too close or too far.
  • Alignment Rods: Use alignment rods on the ground to guide your foot, hip, and shoulder positions. These rods will ensure you’re squared up to your target and aid in maintaining consistent setup positions.

Swing Path Corrections

  • Gate Drill: Place two tees in the ground, just wider than the width of your clubhead, creating a “gate.” Practice swinging the clubhead through this gate to promote a more neutral path.
  • Towel Drill: Lay a towel down, placing it about 4-5 inches behind the ball, parallel to your target line. If you hit the towel during your swing, it indicates an outside-to-inside swing path.

Focus on Weight Transfer

  • Step Drill: Begin with feet together, take a step with your lead foot as you start your backswing, then step with your trail foot as you swing through. This drill emphasizes rhythm and helps improve weight transfer.
  • Balance Discs: Stand on balance discs or wobble boards while practicing swings to develop a better awareness of weight distribution and improve stability.

Clubface Control

  • Glove Under Arm: Place a glove or towel under your lead arm. Swing without letting it drop; this helps keep the clubface square through the swing.
  • Impact Bag Practice: Regularly hitting into an impact bag can train your hands and arms to deliver the clubface squarely at impact.

Posture Maintenance

  • Wall or Chair Drill: Stand with your rear end against a wall or chair. As you swing, ensure you maintain contact, preventing you from “standing up” during the swing.
  • Shadow Practice: On a sunny day, use your shadow to monitor your head and spine position. Try to keep them steady throughout the swing.

Seeking Professional Help

Golf, like many other sports, is as much about technique as it is about talent. When persistent issues like shanking arise, sometimes the best solution is to turn to professionals who have dedicated their lives to understanding the intricacies of the game. Here’s why and how seeking professional help can be beneficial:

Expertise and Experience

  • Targeted Analysis: A trained eye can quickly identify flaws or discrepancies in your swing. They’ve seen a multitude of swings and know the common (and uncommon) pitfalls players fall into.
  • Personalized Solutions: Every golfer is unique. What works for one may not work for another. Professionals can offer tailor-made solutions that cater to your specific challenges.

Structured Learning

  • Progressive Lessons: Professionals usually have a structured lesson plan. They can break down the learning process into manageable chunks, ensuring that you build a solid foundation before moving on to advanced techniques.
  • Drills and Exercises: Professionals have a wide arsenal of drills designed to target specific problems. These drills are often tested and proven to work with numerous students.

Technological Assistance

  • Swing Analysis Tools: With advancements in technology, tools like TrackMan, FlightScope, and GOLFTEC provide detailed data about your swing. From clubhead speed to angle of attack, these tools break down every aspect of your swing.
  • Video Analysis: Slow-motion video analysis can be invaluable. It allows you to see your swing frame by frame, pinpointing areas of concern that might not be visible in real-time.

Mental Game Coaching

  • Overcome Frustration: Beyond the technical aspects, professionals can also help address the mental side of the game. They can provide strategies to remain calm, focused, and confident, even after a bad shot.
  • Strategic Play: Golf isn’t just about the perfect swing; it’s also about strategy. Professionals can teach course management, helping you make smarter decisions during play.

Network and Community

  • Group Clinics: Attending group clinics allows you to learn with and from fellow golfers. Watching others get coached can offer insights into your challenges.
  • Community Support: Being around other learners can foster a sense of camaraderie. Sharing struggles and successes can be motivating and provide a support system.


The shank: a dreaded term in the golfing world, representing not just a wayward shot but often a blow to our confidence. Throughout this article, we’ve delved deep into the reasons behind shanks, from misalignment and improper setup to mental overthinking. Understanding the root causes is the first step toward addressing and correcting them.

Golf, in many ways, mirrors life. It’s not about the mistakes we make but how we recover from them. Struggling with shanks, while frustrating, is a rite of passage for many players, from beginners to seasoned professionals. It challenges our technique, yes, but more importantly, it tests our spirit and resilience. To every golfer grappling with this issue: remember, every swing, good or bad, is a learning opportunity. 

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